The onboarding process for new clients always starts with our always free 30-minute consultation, where we get to know you, your business, and where you see your business going in the immediate future. We will listen more than we talk. After we have a grasp on the issues, we will offer our own advice and discuss potential actions we can take together to address any problems. If you are satisfied that we have understood you and the most pressing issues facing your business, we move to the planning stage.



"Failure to plan is planning to fail" - Alan Lakein
You've seen this modern day proverb on motivational posters and read it in self-help books. It may seem like simple logic - because it is. At least, we believe so. After our consultation with you, we will create an action plan that addresses the pain points you see in your business. The plan will outline the pathway to success and give us the roadmap of actions going forward. We will present and discuss this plan with you. After approval, we move on to the design stage.



The design stage is the longest and most intensive stage for both us and you, the client. Our experts in design, development, marketing and sales will work together to create a beautiful and functional product - whether that be a website, logo or other graphic design, printed marketing materials, etc - and come to you for input and approval. This stage takes the longest because it is the most important. Design is essentially communication - with colors, words, type, shape and meaning - all placed together to deliver a message to your clients or customers. If the design is hard to understand, so will the message. After approval, we move on to implementation.



Implementation is the easiest stage to understand, but also the easiest to do ineffectively. At this stage, we roll out your marketing campaign to the masses. We deliver sales materials to your vendors. We publish your website, or link the appropriate landing pages to the ads you have running on Facebook or Google AdSense. We have new letterhead, business cards, envelopes and stationery printed and delivered to your office. This is where all the work done previously comes to a head and begins it's journey from our office to your customers. After the campaign is finished, we head to the last stage of our journey - Analysis.



Analysis is where the rubber meets the road. We look back on the marketing campaigns and the website analytics. We see how your pain points improved and by how much. We offer a breakdown of the entire process and the results of those efforts. Then we discuss with you any changes that could or need to be made to improve the performance going forward. This stage is just like a military debriefing, where we strive to understand what elements of the campaign worked or didn't work, and how they can be improved. We compare the effectiveness of the campaign with the objectives set forth in our planning stage. We can present this information to all relevant parties in your business, while providing valuable data and learnings for future campaigns. And that's it!

Make the first step in finding more success for your business.
Sign up today for our always-free 30 minutes consultation and let us help you put the pieces together.